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Wasting water is not the best thing to do. Water access is not distributed equally all over the world which makes it very precious. Reasons that water isn't accessible is due to things like droughts, marine dumping and oil spillages.

What do we mean by waste water?

By water waste we mean wasting water in our plumbing; for example, leaving the bathroom tap on until the bath overflows. Water waste can also be wasting energy from your boiler; for example, accidentally leaving the hot water on for ages, or leaving it on an extremely frequent timer.

How does waste water affect us?

Lower levels of water can contribute to causing higher levels of natural and human pollutants, causing harm to the environment and us. Using too much water can drain water from local ecosystems, hurting local habitats. Using hot water too often can, if your boiler is powered by fossil fuels, pollutes the air as you are creating emissions by using the boiler to turn the hot water on.

How can you prevent wasting water?

Install taps which turn off automatically and reliably; reliable automatic taps are taps which turn off at equal intervals and equal pressures, rather than sometimes high pressures which stay on for ages and low pressures which stay on for very little time. If using non-automatic taps, remember to check that you have switched them off. Look into investing in an eco-friendly boiler or an air-source heat pump to prevent emissions from heating and hot water altogether. Instead of timing your boiler to turn on hot water at specific intervals, turn on the hot water when you are going to use it.

The Courageous Advocates’ job is to help the world to be a better place. That could be through 

eco-friendly Lessons, sustainability Awards or using Ecosia. All of these can be found on our website where you found this article.

by Anika, member of the Courageous Advocates

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