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What is a greenhouse?

A greenhouse is a structure which allows people to copy climate conditions such as the temperature and humidity levels to help plants grow. Greenhouses are typically made out of glass to allow the heat from the sun to penetrate more easily. This then traps the heat inside allowing the plants to grow in the environment that they would normally do if they were in the wild.

What should a greenhouse have?

A good greenhouse should first of all have a watering system or at least a person who can check on the plants as frequently as possible and ensure that they are watered. A greenhouse should also have a form of ventilation in case it becomes too hot, such as windows or a cooler to make sure that the plants get overheated in the warmer seasons. In a greenhouse you should aim to have a variety of different  plants that all can grow in a similar environment.

How did we renovate our greenhouse?

At the end of December to the beginning of January, the Courageous Advocates selected a group of people who were willing to miss their break time to go and clean our school's greenhouse that is located on the school's roof terrace. We began by organising all of the spades, rakes and flower pots that were in there on the shelves. After having done so we cleared all of the things that do not belong in a greenhouse out and then set to work on planting some plants. We asked members of the group to bring in herbs or plants that are easy to plant and stay alive for a long time without needing too much water. Based on a previous project, we were able to use our own compost to plant the plants.

The Courageous Advocates’ job is to help the world to be a better place. That could be through 

eco-friendly Lessons, sustainability Awards or using Ecosia. All of these can be found on our website where you found this article.

by Maya, member of the Courageous Advocates

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