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Why should you use posters?

When you want to create an impact by educating your community or school, creating posters is/ a simple way of getting your messages across. You can blue tack them around your school e.g. on classroom doors, on your play-deck, etc. Posters can be hand-drawn or done on the computer using digital art applications. You can create multiple different designs with the same message you want to convey or scan the same poster to place around the school.

What could be the topic of your posters?

There are many problems that cause air pollution so it can be difficult to choose a topic to create a poster about. You can use some of the other articles on this website on how to reduce air pollution locally or share the causes of air pollution in your posters. As a guide, we have a list below for you to use:


5 Poster ideas on how to reduce air pollution locally

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle, repeat

  • Single use plastic removal

  • Using public transport

  • Reduce wasting water

  • Planting trees/plants/flowers inside and outside


5 Poster ideas on the causes of air pollution

  • Global warming

  • Fossil fuels  

  • Idling

  • Factories

  • Burning wood

If you're still stuck on the creative side of things, press the button at the bottom of the screen, which will provide you with 5 posters designed by one of our own members. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not crop the Courageous Advocates logo at the right-hand bottom corner.

The Courageous Advocates’ job is to help the world to be a better place. That could be through 

eco-friendly Lessons, sustainability Awards or using Ecosia. All of these can be found on our website where you found this article.

by Alexis, member of the Courageous Advocates

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