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At Hampden Gurney, we have noticed the high amount of meat served by the cooks and not many vegetarian meals or plant based meals. By decreasing the amount of meat in our school meals, we are not only benefiting ourselves but also the planet.

What are we doing?

Taking note of the high amounts of meat, especially beef and pork, in our school meals, we wanted that to change. We are going to ask our chefs if they would be able to  cut out amounts of meat in our school meals, limiting meat to two or three meals a week. This will greatly reduce the amount of meat intake per year and if more schools take part, it will result in an astounding reduction of meat.

What impact will this create?

Well, like previously mentioned, it will greatly reduce the amount of meat intake per year throughout participating schools. Though it may seem like only a few schools are doing it, if many schools participate, it can have a huge impact. It also impacts the methane produced, which is a type of gas that is harmful to the environment, as cows tend to burp methane a lot. Ultimately, this will help slow down climate change and keep the world healthy. 

by Mika, member of the Courageous Advocates

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