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Explore our projects and what you can do for your community.

Cleaning Our Greenhouse

Explore how we cleaned our greenhouse for  use.


Explore how we introduced compost in our community.


Explore how we introduced an eco-friendly browser into our school.

Cleaning Local Areas

Explore how we came together to clean areas local to us.

Plant Based Meals

Explore how we introduced plant based food into our menu.

Single Use Plastic Removal

Explore how we removed the use of single-use plastics from our school.


Explore how we introduced ambassadors of the environment to our school.

Sustainability Awards

Explore how we made helping the environment rewarding to our students.

Eco-friendly Lessons

Explore how we educated our students in an engaging way.

Car Pooling

Explore how car-pooling can positively impact the climate.

Public Transport

Explore how using public transport can make a difference in regards to carbon dioxide emissions.

Water Waste

Explore how water waste is more than a waste of money.

House Plants

Explore how house plants positively impact the environment and your own environment.

Conduct a survey

Explore how conducting a survey can produce results to forward community awareness and other projects.

Promotional Posters

Explore how promotional posters can be used and created to spread awareness regarding climate change.

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